Marney's Musings:
From Plan Management to Plan Re-Imaginement

Artellagram 1-18-14

Say the word "plan" to most people, and they will have a distinct reaction. Most people either love plans or detest them. Some may enjoy making long-range plans, but resist making a plan for a daily structure, while for others, the very opposite is true. One thing is certain: I think many of us are walking around with a sense that we "should" have a plan, whether we want to or not.

Society tells us that nothing good happens without a plan. In order to save time, we need to micro-plan our days on our favorite digital device. In order to spend our lives well, we need to have 5 year, 10 year, 20 year plans. The news is full of reports about health plans, financial plans, and political plans. Everywhere we look, we get a message: that plans are important.

Personally, I'm very drawn to making short-term plans, and long-range plans usually overwhelm me, especially when I'm looking at some kind of formula or strategy that I'm "supposed" to follow while making them. Not long ago, Kai was listening to me and Tony talk about the plan for the day. Likely focused on his current outer-space obsession, he said, "You know what you need, Mommy? A PLAN-it Arium...instead of a planetarium!"

As much as it pains me to admit that I did not come up with the name of this ARTsignment™ that I will be sharing in next week's free teleclass, Artella's Creative Revolutions: Designing Your Creative Cosmos for 2014, it of course gives me a big chuckle to know that five year old Kai did. He also came up with the names of last month's Artella Membership Adventures, and the biggest concept in my next book that will be published by New World Library in November. I swear, that kid is going to work me out of a job. :-)

So, what might it mean, to go into the new year with a Plan-It Arium? This is exactly what we'll be exploring in depth next week's teleclass. We'll find out what happens when, instead of managing our plans for the new year, we can re-imagine what planning really means.

Go ahead and grab your journal and start playing…

  • What role does planning play in your life?
  • What is helpful about planning?
  • What is not helpful about planning?
  • What if the act of planning could be more creative and artistic...what might that look like?
Carl Sagan said that everything is "starstuff". In 2014, I invite you to explore plans made of starstuff, ready for a cosmic convergence of all ideas and action.

I love Henry Miller's words, "cluster together like stars", which he used to describe the way that we make interpersonally connections. Just like our friends and loved ones, our dreams and ideas can cluster together like beautiful stars, constellations… and yes, even PLANets, around which we can revolve, change and grow.

Scroll down to see learn more about next week's free class, where you'll design your own Plan-It Arium for 2014!

"Artella's New Year's Revolutions": Designing Your Creative Cosmos for 2014 in this free class on Wednesday, January 22, 2014. You can learn more about the free Plan-It Tarium teleclass here.

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