Marney's Musings:
Finding Your Yellow Tape Muse

Artellagram 12-8-13

We are about halfway through the Passionate Packages Tied Up with Strings program, where lots of creative folks are writing eBooks right now through a fun and funky approach where we harness the busy, often-crazy energy of the holidays. Our main goal is to complete an eBook before the holidays, but there is another goal as well: to find some festivity and mirth in unusual places. If you'd like to join us, you are very welcome to come along and write, share, and even sing! :-)

One of the issues we've been exploring is how our lack of confidence can get in our way when we are writing. For some people, self-doubt can rev up into high gear around the holidays. Does that happen to you? Perhaps it's because we're around our families of origin; perhaps it's because we're subconsciously comparing decorations inside and outside other people's homes; perhaps it's because we're fed consumerist messages all season long, perhaps it's reflections at the end of a long year…wow, there are a lot of reasons that the holidays can trip us up. Holidays can bring up a lot of "yellow tape".

What is "yellow tape"? Well, we hear a lot about "red tape" -- that catch-all phrase that refers to life's little annoying formalities and technicalities that can slow us down. But "yellow tape" can be just as debilitating.

"Yellow tape" refers to all those pesky ways in which we measure ourselves, and feel like others are measuring us, too.

"Yellow tape" stops our spirits in a wintry cold, and gets us stuck inside icicles of self-doubt.

So…how do we cut through the "yellow tape"?

In Artella's AlphaBetter Muse Workshop, we've got 26 fantastical Muses who are there to help you get past challenges and difficulties. One of my favorites is "Yellow Tape Muse" -- who offers the following message to us:

I'm Yellow Tape Muse…Destroyer of Self-Doubt. You mortals experience lots of different kinds of doubt, but I think the worst happens when you compare yourselves to someone else. This crazy competitive world is full of judgment and criticism, and the worst of it comes from within yourself. So you have to make sure that you're always armed with a Yellow Tape Muse.

Here's how I can help you help yourself. First, figure out when you are personally the most susceptible to the very dangerous form of self-doubt that occurs when you compare yourself to others. For example" are you particularly insecure when you are trying new things? When you are exhausted and burnt out? When you are with new people? When you are with a particular group of people, i.e. your colleagues or your family?

If you can figure out when your own insecurities are heightened, you'll be better able to access your Inner Yellow Tape Muse and stop those comparisons before they start! So, how to stop them, you might ask? Whenever you feel the urge to compare yourself, compliment yourself instead!

For example, let's say you know that you're particularly sensitive when it comes to making small-talk at social events. If you KNOW that ahead of time, you can be prepared! Your Inner Yellow Tape Muse will know that whenever you start to compare yourself to someone else, to instead compliment yourself. Tell yourself, "I may not feel very comfortable making small talk, but I really like how sincere and authentic I try to be in the interactions I am comfortable in…"

Just keep focusing on the compliment, instead of the comparison. That's how easy it is to access your Inner Yellow Tape Muse, as you remind yourself that nobody's "yellow tape" can ever measure the height of your colors!

Thus ends the message from Yellow Tape Muse!

Take her up on her invitation. Right now, make a list of 10 compliments about yourself that you can have in place to act as your "Inner Yellow Tape Muse" as you dance through any moments of comparison and criticism in the coming weeks and into the new year

"Mapmaking 101 Fun-Oh-Fun": Create Your Marvelous Map for 2014 in this free class on Thursday, December 12, 2013. You can learn more about the free Mapmaking teleclass here.

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