ARTbundance™ Coach
Elizabeth Adams

About Elizabeth:
Elizabeth integrates her professional experience as an Art Therapist, Certified Counselor and Energy Healing practitioner with 25 years as a Fabric Artist and Ecclesiastical/Graphic Designer. She continues to be fascinated by the power of the creative expression to heal, inspire and transform. She has two grown children now busy creating their own lives and flying free. She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her scientific husband. Training: Facilitator of creative, spontaneous acts of living & play; Canadian Certified Counselor; M.A. Art Therapy, AOCAD; Focusing Professional; Certified ARTbundance™ Coach; EFT Practitioner; Soulcollage® Facilitator; Touch Drawing Facilitator Elizabeth is available for private healing/coaching sessions at her studio in Toronto, ON, Canada OR by phone.

In her own words: ARTbundance™ is about learning infused with positive energy; where there’s enough time and freedom to surf your dreams, discover new possibilities, and reconsider old habits; where there’s respect for uniqueness and difference; and where the halting and meaningful “my own way” steps can be taken on each spirit and art-felt path. ARTbundance™ is about enabling personal discovery through art and spirituality, through play and creativity.

Elizabeth's unique specialties are I call the way I work Compassionate, Creative, Companioning (CCC). CCC starts with stepping into a sacred, playful place of presence and acceptance. Here a space for breathing, creating, and playing spontaneously unfolds in the present moment, melting stress, struggle and competition. As you are empowered in this process to BE your creative self, an opening to create your own life in a new way emerges. The life changes you would like to make begin to happen right now. This process gently enables you to fully embrace and manifest your power and purpose with Grace & Ease. The sessions are unique to you and will include a combination of EFT, Focusing, ARTbundance™ and the radical acceptance of all of you, with creative self-expression such as Mandala exploration, touch drawing, Soulcollage®, or journal writing.

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