ARTbundance™ Coach
Janet Laird

About Janet: |
Resourceful, creative and an encouraging cheerleader are just a few words that have been used to describe me, Janet Laird. I have been supporting people creating personal action plans for wellness for five years using the WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) system which utilizes one’s own interests and abilities in achieving and maintaining wellness. Certified as an Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator Trainer, Advanced Level Peer Specialist and ARTbundance™ Creativity Coach, I am experienced in motivating others in a gentle, respectful way that utilizes their gifts and knowledge in a way that brings out the best in them. It has been said of me that I truly model the concept of self-nurturing and know how to foster that in others.
In her own words: Combining the practical “get things done” action planning along with creativity, I use ARTbundance™ ARTsignments™ to visually bring out the confident YOU to enable your goals to richly be achieved. I clearly explain the process each step of the way so that you know what to expect for the most comfortable and effective progression for reaching your potential. If you are not sure what your goal is, I will support you in exploring that too. ARTbundance™ is such a terrific concept in that we can be abundant in whatever we are focusing on as we tap into our creativity and explore what our core energy feeds on. As I explore how I truly feel about something, I can then create a plan of action to implement that to fruition. I can live more authentically when I allow myself to find out what it is that makes up the real me beneath the societal conforms of what I think is expected of me. Oftentimes we resort to continuing in our rut of old patterns that don’t really serve us well yet they are comfortable and familiar. Knowing the possibility of living abundantly feels energizing and even prosperous. As we do what we love, we will love what we are doing. I successfully support people accessing useful resources and writing personal action plans WITH creativity through ARTsignments™. ARTsignments™ are usually short art activities that bring deeper understanding of one’s self emphasizing one of the 9 ARTbundance™ Principles: Vision, Choice, Balance, Gratitude, Action, Attraction, Connection, Service, Intuition. I use what I call my ATTA Girl road map to follow during an initial session: Asking questions, Telling me what feels pertinent, Topic of focus is reached ARTsignment™ Activity is carried out, During a short dialogue period, an area of focus is agreed on with an opportunity to complete a creative art assignment. You are able to choose which medium is comfortable to you and can easily include doodle level drawing, finishing sentences for thought provoking insight, or even collage. Many times with the use of color, symbols and shapes, self-expression can be achieved with no previous art experience.
Janet's unique specialties are I believe in treating people with compassion, respect and honoring choice.
My ideal client is anyone who is motivated, open to new methods of self-discovery, eager for new ideas, and resources and ready to get started on a path of self-nurturing and self-expression of who they really are in an authentic way.
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