ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner
Jen Knutson

About Jen:
I arrived on Earth in 1974. I wear many different titles including; big sister, doodler, pianist, giggler, espresso addict, list maker, user of public transportation and accountant. My favorite title these days is Aunt Jen (I adore my niece and 5 nephews!).

I enjoy using my analytical brain in my accounting work and activate my right brain to add art to my task lists! Gratitude is my favorite Artbundance™ principle. I am consistently amazed at how much Good Stuff fills my life. I find joy in little things and love to give and receive encouragement.
Contact information:
+1 971 832 9320

In her own words: ARTbundance™ means using the principles to open fully to life and live without resistance. I use the principles as a way to write a new story when I am swirling in stressful thoughts.

Jen's unique specialties are merging analytics with creativity. I was offered an accounting job as soon as I graduated from ARTbundance™. I enjoy working with people who have cut-and-dry jobs and a passion for creativity!
I enjoy working with people who are open to new ideas and embrace learning. I love working with people who are passionate and have a generous spirit. My ideal client laughs easily, communicates assertively, and finds joy in being alive!

Contact at:
Telephone: 971 832 9320

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