I work with clients to help them dive deep to new depths and burst through life's waves with fun and delight, just as dolphins do in their play. My company, Liz Gow Life Coach, offers products and services to support DEEP living (dive, empower, emerge, play.) Sign up for my monthly Coaching Bulletin and receive a fun & powerful guide to Manifest Your Desires Through Play. http://lizgowlifecoach.com/
DEEP Body Love is a coaching approach to inspire and promote a healthy relationship with your body, food and emotions and ultimately 'YOU'. It is offered as a retreat weekend, individual coaching and as an 8 week eprogram.
This approach facilitates connection with the inner wisdom of your body to understand and deal with thoughts, feelings (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and to examine which type of 'hunger' (physical, emotional or spiritual) you are experiencing, resulting in you satisfying the 'hunger' with the right kind of 'nourishment'. With new habits and lifestyle changes through an assets-based model that emphasizes a positive body image, body confidence, self-esteem, self-compassion, dealing with emotions, critical thinking and a gentle approach to real, lasting change to break free from the cycle of being 'at war' with your body.