ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner
Sande Roberts

About Sande:
Sande Roberts is a consultant, coach, trainer and mentor. She is a personal and professional crisis prevention and intervention specialist. She uses unconventional approaches to achieve amazing results. She has a master's degree in clinical psychology and is trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, crisis and suicide prevention, and conflict resolution.

In her own words: ARTbundance™ means an amazing set of tools to enrich any healing arts practice. More than that is the true community of amazing people who are warm, welcoming and inspiring.

Sande's unique specialties are EFT Tapping which helps to calm emotions and builds on the ARTbundance™ principles.
She is the official Bequeather of Permission for people to experience inspiration, great adventures, wonderful relationships and a meaningful and playful life.

Contact at:
Telephone: +1 480 748 5527

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