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***** Artella's Poetry Plaza for all things poetic
The PassionPoetry Portal will lead you to...
Archives of the PassionPoetry newsletters
FREE PassionPoetry Contests
Quarterly "Poetic Idol" Contests with Cash Prizes
BRAND NEW FORMAT...the Artella Community Votes!
Next deadline...April 30, 2007
Artella's Poetry Gardens of winning poems!
More to come...
FREE PassionPoetry Contest!
Winner certificate designed by Pattie Mosca
Submit one poem of any length to compete for great prizes. Here are the prizes for the current Contest:
First Place Award:
- Free enrollment in the Artella e-course, "Writes and Passages: A Guide to Becoming an 'Every Day' Writer" ($29.99 value)
- Guaranteed publication in an e-Artella issue (we find an artist to create art for your poem!)
- A featured listing on our Poetry Gardens of Fame page, with your photo, bio, and the winning poem
- The Artella eBook, Those Who CAN, Teach!: Uncovering the Workshops Inside of You
- The Artella eBook,
Writing the Carousel: Going Full Circle in Colorful Poetry Writing
- The Artella eBook, ExerSIGHS: A Self-Esteem Workout for Writers and Artists OR
Writing the Carousel: Going Full Circle in Colorful Poetry Writing
- One Two-Week FREE Artella membership, which includes a Subscription to The Artella Daily Muse!
- NEW PRIZE! A downloadable, personalized award certificate, designed by artist Pattie Mosca (see image above)
Second Place Award:
Third Place Award:
Fourth Place Award:
- One Two-Week FREE Artella membership, which includes a Subscription to The Artella Daily Muse!
- A downloadable, personalized award certificate, designed by artist Pattie Mosca (see image above)
There is absolutely no entry fee for this monthly contest...it's FREE, and you can enter as often as you like. (Limit one poem per month.)
Submission Instructions:
(Instructions have recently been changed; please review before submitting.)
1. In the body of an email, type the following:
- 1. The title of your poem
- 2. your email address
- 3. The text of your poem
Do not include your name in the BODY of the email.
2. IMPORTANT! For easiest readability, we require that you send text in a plain font (i.e., Arial or Times New Roman), size 12, with no excessive lines or spaces in the text.
3. Send your poem here. Type the words PassionPoetry Contest Submission - (your name) in the Subject line. Be sure that your name is included in the Subject line, but not in the body of the email itself.
4. Poems will be judged anonymously by a revolving team of judges. Winners will be contacted directly. Winners will be announced in the PassionPoetry newsletter, and winning poems will be published in The Artella Poetry Gardens of Fame.
"Poetic Idol" Quarterly Poetry Contest!
Winner certificate designed by Pattie Mosca
BRAND NEW FORMAT FOR Poetic Idol Competition!
Compete for Cash and Other Prizes!
For the first time, the Artella Community will be voting to choose the winners of the Poetic Competition...with a brand new top prize of $200! Next deadline...April 30, 2007
Submit up to 3 poems of any length to compete for cash prizes of $25, $50, and $200, plus other fabulous awards.
The entry fee is $5.00, and you may submit up to three poems for consideration. When you enter, you may select any issue of e-Artella to receive with your entry.
Please note: Effective in 2007, contestants winning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize in Artella's Poetic Idol will be ineligible to win another top prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the following 12-month period. All other prize winners remain eligible for all Poetic Idol Prizes.
Poems previously submitted to any of our contests are not admissible.
The "Poetic Idol" Contest Prize Packages are as follows:
First Place Award:
- $200.00 cash prize, paid via Paypal
- An e-Chapook of your poetry (up to 20 poems), attractively created and published for your personal or commercial use
- Your photo, bio, and poetry will be featured on our Web site, and you will be interviewed for an issue of e-Artella.
- Guaranteed publication in an e-Artella issue (we find an artist to create art for your poem!)
- Free enrollment in your choice of the following e-courses:
"Goalar Energy",
"Writes and Passages", or
"Accounting Your Blessings"
- The Artella eBook, "Behind the Veil" OR
Writing the Carousel: Going Full Circle in Colorful Poetry Writing
- Your choice of any e-Artella issue
- One Two-Week FREE Artella membership, which includes a Subscription to The Artella Daily Muse!
- A downloadable, personalized award certificate, designed by artist Pattie Mosca (see image above)
Second Place Award:
Third Place Award:
Five Honorable Mentions:
20 Finalists:
- $5.00 Artella Gold! (To be used as cash anywhere at Artella!)
The entry fee for the "Poetic Idol" contest is $5.00, paid via Paypal, and you may submit up to three
poems for consideration. (Poems may not have been previously entered in the Free PassionPoetry Contests.)
Submission Instructions:
(Instructions have recently been changed; please review before submitting.)
1. Pay your entry fee by clicking the Add to Cart button at the bottom of this list of instructions. Be sure that your name is included in your Paypal order, along with your choice for your free e-Artella issue. Click here to see the list of e-Artella issues.
2. In the body of an email, type the following:
- 1. The title of your poem
- 2. your email address
- 3. The text of your poem
Do not include your name in the BODY of the email.
3. For easiest readability, please send text in a plain font (i.e., Arial or Times New Roman), size 12, with no excessive lines or spaces in the text.
4. Send your poem here. Type the words Quarterly Poetry Contest Submission - (your name) in the Subject line. Be sure that your name is included in the Subject line, but not in the body of the email itself.
5. All emails must be received by midnight on the last day of each quarter! Next deadline...April 30, 2007
6. Poems will be judged anonymously by a team of judges, who will select finalists. The finalists will be posted to be viewed by the Artella community, who will be invited to cast their vote for their favorite. Only one vote will be allowed per person. Artella reserves the right to disqualify votes if we find that any individual has voted more than one time. The votes by the Artella community will determine the top prize winners. Winners will be contacted directly. Winners will be announced in the PassionPoetry newsletter, and winning poems will be published in The Artella Poetry Gardens of Fame.
7. Effective in 2007, contestants winning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize in Artella's Poetic Idol will be ineligible to win another top prize (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the following 12-month period. All other prize winners remain eligible for all Poetry Idol Prizes.
Click the button to pay the entry fee by secure credit card:
Click here to see the Archives of the PassionPoetry newsletters
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