ARTbundance Principles — The Quiz Click Here for Artella’s Quiz Menu The ARTbundance Principles and You How developed are the ARTbundance Principles in your life? See how your strengths rank with this fun assessment! Gratitude Your ability to embody appreciative awareness. Balance Your ability to sustain equilibrium and embrace opposites. Choice Your ability to fully step into your possibilities and power. Vision Your ability to hold a picture of where you are headed, and why. Action Your ability to create movement and forward momentum toward your goals. Connection Your ability to make the most of your relationships. Attraction Your ability to be a magnet for your greatest good. Service Your ability to integrate the cycle of giving and receiving. Intuition Your ability to tap into your unconscious winsdom. It is easier for me to find things I love about my life than to find things I don’t love about it. In challenging times, I naturally become even more in touch with all the things I appreciate about my life. I engage in a regular routine, ritual, or practice to connect with the power of gratitude and thankfulness. When life throws me unexpected curves, I keep my balance and adjust quickly. I am not critical of myself or others — I easily accept our strengths and weaknesses as aspects that contribute to the human whole. The ways I spend my time and energy are in alignment with the things that are most important to me. I am generally very confident when I make decisions. When I have to make a decision, I don’t feel overwhelmed — I feel empowered. When a choice involves many options, I am comfortable sitting with “not knowing” and allowing things to unfold, rather than pushing a decision before the time is right. Few things inspire me more than making a difference in the lives of other people. I share my gifts and resources freely with others…in fact, the more I feel like I am serving others, the happier I am. I feel at peace with my capacity to serve and make a difference in the world, and I don’t worry about sacrificing or depleting myself when doing so. When I get a creative or new idea, it’s very easy for me to follow through and give it my all. Completing projects comes very easily to me, and I love how it feels to cross the finish line. I’m definitely a “just do it” kind of person — I commit to action easily without getting in my own way. With regard to my future, I not only know my vision, but I love my vision. When people share their ideas with me, I naturally grasp the big picture of where they are headed and how they might get there. I have a strong sense of where my life is going and what I want. I deeply trust my instincts — in fact, I’m more likely to follow my intuition than what “makes sense.” I’m aware of my intuition communicating with me in lots of different ways, and it’s always changing and expanding. I rely on my intuition consistently — every day, throughout the day. Healthy, mutually-fulfilling relationships are one of the greatest joys in my life. I feel a deep sense of connection to all living beings on the planet. I naturally connect with new people, easily engaging in conversation and finding common ground. When I have a new desire, I have a knack for attracting the people and circumstances that will bring it into reality. I pay a lot of attention to synchronicity in my life – those perfectly-timed moments where things just seem to match up. When I want something, I naturally tune into the feeling underneath the desire, rather than being attached to a specific outcome.