ARTbundance Business Principles — The Quiz Click Here for Artella’s Quiz Menu The ARTbundance Business Principles and You Introducing…the 9 NEW ARTbundance Business Principles! How developed are these Principles in your business? Take this quiz to see how your business strengths rank in comparison to each other. *Feel free to substitute a different word, such as: practice, project, endeavor, organization, mission, etc. Ease Represents the quality of comfort, flexibility and attainability in your business. Play Represents the quality of lightheartedness, spontaneity, and fun in your business. Impact Represents the quality of legacy, meaning, and service in your business. Growth Represents the quality of expansion, forsight, and vision in your business. Delight Represents the quality of pleasure, enjoyment, and awe in your business. Resiliency Represents the quality of durability, structural strength, and support in your business. Prosperity Represents the quality of abundance, profit, and value in your business. Partnership Represents the quality of connection, collaboration, and cooperation in your business. Authenticity Represents the quality of integrity, alignment, and genuine fulfillment in your business. I truly believe that the things that are very best for my business can come easily…it doesn’t have to be a struggle. I’ve consciously set up my business to make things as easy as possible for everyone — both me AND my cusotmers. Before I add a new component to my business, I make sure that I’m not creating additional stress or difficulty in my overall business structure. Day to day tasks related to business building are FUN for me — it really does feel more like play than work! The spaces/environment where I work on business-related tasks have a fun and playful vibe. If a particular task or project is feeling dull, I can come up with lots of ideas to make it feel more fun — and put the ideas into practice. If someone asks me about business’ mission and vision, I can easily articulate my answer and share with confidence. My personal story plays a big role in my business — I’m not tentative about being vulnerable with my story and my WHY. I consciously build in feedback loops into my business, so that I get feedback and hear stories about how my work is affecting others. I welcome the opportunity to meet potential collaborators or helpers…you never know where it might lead! I have a specific criteria that I use to help me evaluate whether a particular collaboration or relationship will be a good fit for me and my business. I don’t have resistance around delegating tasks or projects — I easily share the workload with others when the opportunity arises. Whenever I’m doing anything for my business – small mundane tasks to executing big projects – I’m attuned to what my senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, taste) are experiencing. In general, I really enjoy talking about my business….it’s an easy and natural part of conversation for me. If someone asks me how my business is going, I will generally lead with what’s going right, rather than what’s going wrong. With regard to my business’ future, I not only know my vision, but I love my vision. One way I keep things fresh is to do things in my business that are outside of my comfort zone and help me stretch and grow. I often think about the long-term view…like where my business will be in 5 or even 10 years from now, and the details that might include. I feel like I show up in my business as the whole me — I don’t hold back or dilute who I really am. If a customer or client isn’t a good fit for me, it’s easy for me to let it go…I don’t feel like I need to try to get the sale. I’m comfortable in my skin, and my identity in my business is pretty much the same as how I am in my everyday life. When it comes to my business, I really pay attention to the ratio between passion and pain – and the moment the pain is outweighing the passion, I’ll make adjustments. I have a sturdy collection of resources to help me when something unexpected happens in my business; no matter what happens, I feel like I’ve got things lined up to help me. I feel like I’m well-prepared for the fluctuations and unexpected challenges that pop up in my business. I pay attention to the profit and expenses in my business – it’s a satisfying part of my business stewardship to do so. I measure business growth in a lot of ways, and I have a method to track the non-monetary ways that my business’ profits are increasing. I am comfortable with the prices I charge and I am at peace with my sense of the value of my work.