An ARTsignment is a project or exercise that uses creativity to provide valuable insight into your life. It is one of the core methods used in the ARTbundance approach to self discovery, which you can read about here.
1. To start, write down a question you have, something you’d like some insight around. An example might be: “What am I not seeing about my busy schedule? Is there a way I can shift things so I don’t feel so harried and pressured?”
2. Write down this phrase, in a fun, doodly way: “I am open to circles bringing me information and insight.” Decorate the letters and say the intention out loud. It might feel silly, but this part really helps.
3. Go on a circle search. Walk around your environment and look where you can find circles, especially hidden ones. You also can flip through a magazine or a book with a lot of visuals, and look for circles that way.
4. Whenever you see a circle, look closely at it. Observe it. Look for details you may not have seen. And check in with your intuition to see if there is a message for you here. Using the word, “Maybe…” is a helpful way to see possibilities that aren’t obvious.
The message might be something metaphorical or symbolic. Like:
I see the swirls in the sorbet. There is a way that they are blending together.
Perhaps I can do more blending of activities together.
Maybe I could exercise with a friend, to combine the act of exercise with the time of social connection.
Maybe there is a way to freeze time.
Maybe the way to do that is to put a hold on some activities, and see what that opens up.
Then later, when the calendar feels more spacious, those activities can “thaw” without any bad consequence.
What would it mean for me to believe this?
The message could be more direct and practical. For example:
I see circles on this Twister spinner. I wonder how I could use this. Could it become a tool for me?
Could I use this spinner as a tool to help me make everyday life feel more like a game?
Maybe I could spin the wheel to help me focus on one project or task at a time
Ah, there’s a circle in this picture of a sun. I am drawn to thinking of the sunrise and sunset as helpful ways for me to make the most of my days.
If I start and end strong, that will help strengthen the times in between.
Give it a circular swirl…what do you find?