Blissness U FAQs

Q. Should I sign up for individual components or the whole bundle?  What if I’ve already set up some of these things on my own?

A. I selected these 10 processes and placed them in a specific order with creative momentum in mind.  A a whole, I wanted to provide a creative circuit where each project flows one from to another, stimulating different parts of our brains and our blissnesses, to ensure variety and a holistic approach.

That said – even though the programs have a flow amongst them, they are not prerequisites for one another.  You are welcome to sign up for just one – or any number of them.

If you’ve already set up one or more of these components, or already mastered the technology – then you may not feel the need to join that particular month — but it also could be quite valuable to do so.  Here are a few reasons you might want to enroll in the full 10 months, even if you already have mastered some of the skills:

  • you could learn some new tips, shortcuts, or approaches

  • if you’ve thought about changing your current setup, it’s a way to evaluate if a different approach might save you money/time/energy, especially as your blissness grows

  • you would have a container: a set time-and-place to commit to working on updates or enhancements along with the rest of the group

  • revisiting this particular topic or technology will invariably bring you more clarity about your blissness as a whole

  • you’ll maintain the energy of an ongoing, 10-month adventure

Q. How much duplication of content is there between these and other Artella programs I may have taken with you?

A. Three of the ten programs have a bit of overlap with programs you may have taken before, but all provide significant expansion, updated information, and additional opportunities that I’ve never presented before.   

  1. Deck-Dancing Disco is a significant expansion of the “Zoomie Cards” class that I taught in Fall 2022. The difference is that Deck-Dancing Disco will be focused on the technical aspect of creating cards -to create the cards in Canva, prep the files according to proper specs, and upload to MPC to print. I’d consider it a comprehensive expansion to Week 3 in Zoomie Cards. Week 3 was an introduction and playtime, and the Blissness U version will go deeper into the technical aspects, and be an opportunity for you to do it live during class, rather than following my written instructions on your own.

  2. Candy-Land Branding includes some content related to creating infographics, and if you too my seminar called “Visual Marketing & Snow Angels Sales” in 2021 – I will be repurposing some of the content and infographic templates for use in this Blissness U course.  I’d say that about 10-15% of the content in Candy-Land Branding is included — but it is updated for 2023, and of course, the real difference is that you’ll be able to work LIVE, rather than following instructions on your own.

  3. A Zoom with a View will incorporate material from my webinar series, “The Complete Idealist’s Guide to Remove Connection,” which became quite popular in 2020 when everyone had to learn Zoom! Now in 2023, Zoom has so many new updates, including things that will be rolled out in early 2023 that I’ve already been beta-testing and exploring, and will continue to do so over the next few months. It’s definitely time for an all-around update on Zoom skills!  Plus, with the Blissness U edition, you’ll be able to try out facilitating in live time, with real people.

Even if you have taken some of the above classes with me, the whole vibe will be different with Blissness U – as our focus really is not just learning, but creating and doing.  It’s the “look what I did” vibe!

Plus, if enrolling in the full 10 months is right for you, you’ll be able to keep in the flow of month-to-month energy, while expanding your skills and confidence.

Q.  I have a conflict and won’t be able to attend the Live classes. 

The Live classes will, of course, be recorded, so you won’t miss anything.  You’ll see lessons, demos, and Q&A with other people’s questions.  You will be invited to submit your questions for each class, and I’ll incorporate them into the class, even if you aren’t attending, live.

To accommodate all schedules, there will also be a monthly evening timeslot – which I’m calling Q & A time — during which I’ll be available for questions/ help/ troubleshooting. Again, this is all captured on video so that participants can learn from one another’s questions. These will be the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm Eastern (6:00pm Central, 5:00pm Mountain, 4:00pm Pacific)

And if you sign up for either 10-month bundles, you also get a Bonus 30-minute session with me each month for 1:1 technical fairy godmothering – where the time will be completely focus on you.


Q. How much time will this program take?

I suggest planning at least 6 hours a week to devote to your Blissness U activities. There will be a two-hour class (or recording) and weekly Home-play assignments to help you complete the project.  Of course, some programs may be more time-intensive than others, based on your current comfort, as well as your enthusiasm about the topic.

Q.  Technical stuff is really hard for me.  Will I be able to keep up?

A.  Blissness U programs are newbie-friendly, but keep in mind you may need to spend some extra time with my tutorials outside of class, in order to make the most of your time in classes.  You ought to have some minimal technical ability (send and receive email, browse to a website, save files to your computer and upload files from your computer, etc.)


Q.  I’m pretty comfortable with tech stuff but I still feel stuck in setting up my business. Could this program help me?

A. If you’re not DOing the setup that needs doing – there’s probably a reason why not.  So I’d suggest starting there, and see if you can get a sense of what is in your way. If you’re overwhelmed by so many options, Blissness U could be helpful by honing in on just one or two technologies/programs available, which may simplify your progress.  If setting up these components feels serious or heavy, then Blissness U definitely has you covered, because it’s the ultimate playful environment that is sure to get you excited and enthusiastic…even about tech processes.

Blissness U also provides a container for progress — a time and place to show up, a playful DOtorial written guide to follow, a tribe of others who are working along with you — all which can greatly help with motivation and accountability.


Q. Do I have to use the resources listed for the class?  How much will they cost?

A. The classes and written/video tutorials will be focused on the resources listed.  That said, you are free to use your different programs – just know that the step-by-step tutorials and live help may not be as customized if you are not using the same program that I am demonstrating.  In some cases, the tech  isn’t important – which is indicated in the details for each program.

I’ve selected the particular programs because they checked all of my boxes as being Blissness-friendly, as compared to other similar programs: easier learning curve, affordable pricing, and scalable use that grows as you and your blissnes grows.

Most of the tools and programs have free versions – either a free trial to get you started, or a free version with limited functionality.  So you don’t have to invest until you know it’s something you want to be focusing on. During each program I’ll update you with the least expensive option available at that time.

Have more questions?  Contact us!

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