
NEW! Blissness Vision Art Journal Adventure – Starts 4-2-24

$299.00 $249.00

Artella’s Blissness Vision Art Journal Adventure:
9 Weeks for Playful Productivity and Inspired Action

Program Dates: April 2 – May 28, 2024
Weekly Classes Tuesdays @ 7pm Eastern (Live on Zoom & recorded)

Keep reading for more details!


Artella’s Blissness Vision Journal Adventure:
9 Weeks for Playful Productivity and Inspired Action

For years, my Blissness Plan Art Journal workshop has long been one of my favorite in-person workshops and self-study lessons.

In 2024, for the very first time, I’m offering it as a brand new 9-week program, including Zoom classes, weekly lessons, and snail mail goodies!

Whatever your goal is — you’ve probably heard that you need to get serious about your “plan.”

But…why get serious when you can get sparkly instead?

The Blissness Vision Art Journal Adventure uses the parts of a “traditional business plan” and gives them a playful twist, with art journal projects and writing prompts along the way.  The result is a process that will help you gain clarity, momentum, and joy in any project or goal.

You want your business or project to be creative and inspiring…so shouldn’t you plan it in the same way?  And it’s not limited to a business or project.  You can adapt the Blissness Vision Art Journal to absolutely ANY goal….giggling to yourself and smiling with satisfaction from the clarity that comes from each and every lesson.

Each week brings new surprises and guided discovery to help you put it all together and have a blast while doing it.

For 9 weeks, you will receive:

  • A Weekly Class on Zoom, held Tuesdays at 7:00-8:30pm Eastern, that takes a traditional Business Plan concept and gives it an artsy twist!

  • A specific art journal challenge for the week

  • Prompts for further exploration through writing

  • Printables and clip art sheets

  • Snail mail surprises!
  • Weekly Action Boost, to help you convert your discoveries into action

  • Two Mini-Lessons that arrive at midpoints each week to delight & encourage you in between classes

The Blissness Vision Art Journal Adventure runs April 2 – May 28, 2024

Scroll up to enroll!