NEW! Passionate Packages 2024 – now with support through January!


Program: Passionate Packages: Wrap Up Your “Favorite Things” Into a New Product You Can Sell or Share

Quick Summary: Artella’s Annual Holiday Sensation which guides you to write an eBook before the end of the year while singing playful parodies of Holiday Songs!

Program Length: 8 weeks, split into two sections, with 2 weeks in between. Weekly live classes and Guidebooks move your eBook from creation in Nov/Dec, to completion in Jan ’25.

Dates/Times: Tuesdays, November 26-December 17 and January 7-28, 2025
7:00-8:30pm Eastern (6:00pm Central, 5:00pm Mountain, 4:00pm Pacific)

Everything is recorded so you never miss anything! 

Get the Harvest Bundle of 4 Programs at a deep discount!

Ready to jump in? Click the button to order or scroll down for more details!

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In Passionate Packages, you’ll experience:

Welcome to Passionate Packages 2024!

Imagine creating an eBook or product you can sell and share – right in the midst of the busy holidays and new year!

 Whether it’s an eBook, workbook, class, or kit, the unique Passionate Packages process will help you turn your creative ideas into products you can sell and share….while giving yourself a sweet corner of creativity during the busy time of year.

What Is Passionate Packages?

In Artella’s annual holiday tradition, we will sing, work, and play our way through the Passionate Packages process!

“Passionate Packages Tied Up with Strings” guides you through every step of creating an eBook that you can sell, which can become the basis of any product or event you want to launch.

 I believe that we can actually harness the movement and joy of the season and funnel that directly into our creativity.  AND…we do it all while singing holiday songs… and all kinds of other whimsicalia! Really!  You will learn how to work with the energy of the holidays instead of against it!

Why? Because the more we play, the more we produce! Passionate Packages is the ultimate blending of the two, balancing play and productivity, right and left brain, process and product.

Passionate Packages also provides a deep sense of nurturing for YOU during the holidays. Throughout the program, we will be covering things like:

  • Valuing yourself & your creative expression

  • Bringing more sparkle to your creative practice

  • Maintaining gentle boundaries with others

  • Integrating the “little things” that nourish you

  • Tracking your connections between creativity and wellness

This program is not only an opportunity to create a new eBook or product…but it’s a container for Deep Self-Care — a little festive corner that is just for you!

What’s Different This Year?

Participants keep returning to Passionate Packages year after year for its playful and productive approach.  This is a system that works. 

But this year, for the first time, Passionate Packages extends into January, offering additional support to see your project through to completion.

We’ll adventure through the traditional “Passionate Packages” material, followed by a two-week holiday break. Then return for another 4 weeks to wrap up the experience and complete your eBook (or other creative project) by the end of January 2025. 

It’s double the Passionate Packages content – for the same price as last year!

Program Highlights:

  • NEW! Two-Part Experience: 4 weeks of creating before the holidays, followed by 4 more weeks in January to finish your project strong.

  • Eight 90-Minute Webinars: All sessions will be recorded for those who can’t attend live.

  • Eight Comprehensive Guidebooks with Flexible Lessons: Each week’s Guidebook contains 5 lessons – designed as one daily lessons, to develop a consistent habit. That said – the program is also flexible enough for you to work with the material in the way that works best for your schedule.

  • Festive Fun and Whimsy: Yes, we’ll be singing holiday songs, creating festive writing schedules, and having fun while we work! 🎶✨

  • The Return of “Bare Cinnamon” Activities: These 5-minute weekly activities keep you on track with the minimum you can do and still stay on track.  Many folks have said this was THE game changer, so it’s definitely coming back! 

A Closer Look at Some of the Weekly Topics

  • Week 1: My Favorite Things
    • Using Marney’s “FAV Phrase” method
    • Creating a festive writing schedule
    • Learning how to sing to your clocks and calendars (it works!)
  • Week 2: Silver Bell Starters
    • Diving into 5 Passionate Packages Starter templates
    • Writing without editing
    • Listening for your “Baby It’s BOLD” voice
  • Week 3: Deck the Hall Discussion
    • Making research fun with 5 unique challenges
    • Getting input from peers and social media
    • Incorporating stories, facts, and anecdotes into your work
  • Week 4: Fa La La La Format
    • Choosing from 5 possible formats for your project
    • Experimenting with reader engagement strategies
    • Dedicating yourself to completion when we return in January

AND – All-New! Bonus January Series: Authentic Lang Syne

  • Moving your product to successful completion
  • Discerning true authenticity
  • Playing with design choices
  • Making final edits
  • Brainstorming your next steps
  • Creating a promotion/distribution plan
  • And more…


What People Say About Passionate Packages:

SherylAllenPassionate Packages is sparking creative ideas and creating momentum beyond my wildest dreams! I was late on the call tonight because I was so wrapped up in this week’s assignments, I completely lost track of time! Magic is truly in the air this holiday season with Passionate Packages tied up with strings…and bling!
– Sheryl Allen

JudyWomackPassionate Packages is one of the most amazing thing I’ve ever done for my creative output. It has me so motivated and inspired to get my e-book written and available to others. I have been so stuck because I haven’t known what to write about, but this process is soooo easy and it leads you ever so gently in a forward direction. Thanks Marney, for your creative expertise, divine inspiration and magnificent leadership!
– Judy Womack

SandeRobertsSeriously – if you aren’t already signed up for Passionate Packages – run and sign up right away. The content is purely Magnificent Marney. When I signed up for Passionate Packages I couldn’t visualize how my involvement with a full novel could be thought about in a quick ebook. Well – by the end of the first call I was totally clear. Woohoo!! I’m excited.
– Sande Roberts

0007d975-1b8a-4f9d-baa1-4879cc72a037_170x170Taking Passionate Packages began as a crazy impulse. Singing Christmas carols to write a book? But it worked. And then the next year, it worked again. Yes, I wrote an eBook. Which led to a printed book. And the process is leading to more. I’m so grateful.
– Terilee Wunderman

JoyWhen I heard Marney sing songs to change the way I was looking at time, I knew that I wanted to listen very closely and learn all I could from her. The singing and games put all the emphasis on the fun and play, and the burdensome feelings of pressure, fear or resistance just vanished. As a result, I was more productive and delighted.
– Joy Principe

LizGowI am absolutely amazed at the Passionate Packages process! I can’t believe how easily and quickly my eBook is coming together, and I have to say, I loved the singing in class, and it really does make a difference, it really does make it less intimidating and so much more fun! This is the best way I’ve found to tap my creativity, find my voice, and complete all those projects that have been hanging out in my mind as dreams. Passionate Packages is a gift I gift myself every year.
– Liz Gow

headshot2I’ve found my groove with your Passionate Packages system. I now know why I wasn’t creating things before I joined this program…I wasn’t inspired! I want to stay up all night and write!
– MaryJo Briggs

Scroll up to enroll or keep reading for more details!

I would love for you to join us! Imagine bringing in the new year with a sense of completion and a solid plan for what comes next! Let’s do it together!

Still Not Sure?

Here’s part of a first class from a previous year… get a taste of the whimsical world awaiting you!

Scroll up to enroll or keep reading for more details!