NEW! Storyworlding: The Multisensory Edition


Program: Storyworlding: A Multisensory Approach to Writing Intuitive Fiction

Quick Summary: Cultivate intuition & play to create new worlds in your writing; can apply to fiction, poetry, scripts, essays and personal introspection

Program Length: 6 Weeks, with weekly gatherings + follow-up notes

Date/Time: Tuesdays, Oct 15-Nov 19, 2024
7pm-9pm Eastern (6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific)

Everything is recorded so you never miss anything! Join anytime!

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In Storyworlding, you’ll experience:

Welcome to Storyworlding…

A Six-Week Journey of Creative Freedom and Discovery

Whether you love writing fiction (novels, short stories, scripts, screenplays) or you’ve never tried it or anywhere in between…the experience that we call Storyworlding is a supportive, scrumptious community space where you’ll be guided through writing intuitive fiction

Storyworlding is an immersive, playful experience that invites you to create without boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a complete beginner, you’ll find yourself tapping into new depths of creativity, intuition, and expression.

Come step into a world where your imagination takes the lead, and your stories unfold in ways that surprise and delight you.

What Is Storyworlding?

Unlike traditional storyboarding, where you plan every plot twist and character arc, Storyworlding is the art of writing without a map. It’s about trusting your intuition to guide you and watching your stories take shape in unexpected ways.

Each week, you’ll embark on a creative adventure, where your writing process becomes as thrilling as the stories themselves.

You be guided to connect to Story, as if she was a trusted friend. You’ll learn techniques that will help her take the lead.  There is no set destination or expectation in this world.  This is the ultimate come-as-you-are party; simply show up with a pen or marker, or hands on the keyboard.

Our wise and whimsical exercises – known as StorySparks  – will do the rest…

Why Storyworlding?

  • Ignite your imagination and create a new relationship with your inner world.

  • Discover powerful techniques to translate vivid inner visions into captivating words.

  • Push the boundaries of your creative process, uncovering new depths of self-awareness.

  • Feel more confident expressing your ideas, in your writing and beyond.

  • Boost your vitality by creating worlds that invigorate both your mind and spirit.

  • Be dazzled and inspired by the writing shared by others—and by your own unexpected brilliance.

What is Different About the Fall 2024 Series

The Fall 2024 session will feature a multi-sensory approach, as we generate stories not just from verbal prompts, but bringing in graphics, video and audio to generate stories that are born from the seeds of photographs, art, sounds, music, movement, patterns.  With this multisensory input, you’ll generate stories from far reaches of imagination — with more creative twists and turns than ever before.

What to Expect in the Six-Week Journey:

Inspired by the literary salons of the past, Storyworlding is a space to share, explore, and celebrate writing in a supportive community.

Each week, you’ll by guided by multi-sensory exercises that open doors to synchronicity, magic, and self-discovery. Through this process, you’ll access a writing voice you didn’t even know you had—one that feels fresh, alive, and unbounded.

  • If you’re new to writing: Writing fiction can spark new joy in your life, offering a sense of creative freedom like nothing else. You’ll build a world through words and, in doing so, create new possibilities for yourself in everyday life.

  • If you’re an experienced writer: Storyworlding offers a chance to set aside structured craft and return to pure, intuitive play. You’ll reignite your creative spark, finding new inspiration and lighting up your life in unexpected ways.

Scroll up to enroll or keep reading for more details!

The beauty of Storyworlding lies in its unpredictability—you never know where your writing will take you. Perhaps it will shape a decision, inspire a new project, or reveal a new facet of yourself that leaves you feeling more connected and alive.

Weekly Community & Sharing

In true literary salon fashion, each session includes time to share your writing—optional but encouraged! You’ll be amazed by how sharing your words and hearing others’ stories can ignite fresh ideas and insights.

Inspiring Weekly Follow-Up Notes

After each session, you’ll receive weekly notes on the topic and exercises, offering continued inspiration and guidance for your Storyworlding journey. Writing in between classes is welcome, but not required or expected.  It’s up to you and Story to decide!

About Me, Marney Makridakis

I’m the author of two bestselling books on creativity, a self-publisher of the print magazine Artella, and a playwright who’s reached Off-Broadway. But more importantly, I’m a grown-up kid who loves to live in her imagination, who believes in the magic of words and the thrill of creating worlds of wildness.

I invite you to join me in the Storyworlding experience, where we’ll write, play, and discover the wonders within us.

Here are some comments from previous “Storyworlding” participants:

The Storyworlding Salon kept my fires lit while working through the multi-level creative writing process. It also revealed many wonderful surprises that I would have never expected to appear. – Carol M.

Storyworld class brought me way out of my comfort zone into the land of truly not knowing. It brought a new level of wonder, trust and vulnerability. –  Cheryl R.

I never knew that stories could just flow through me like this. Sharing my writing helped me to get a sense of how others experience my stories and hearing their writing was amazing too. An unparalleled experience under the guidance of a true master! – Barb K.

This was about so much more than writing. It was about turning on the colored lights in all the areas in my life. I’ve never thought of myself as a writer. Turns out, I am one. Who knew? – Zara G.

Storyworlding opened me to deeper levels of my being. This is not a class. It’s a Salon of artists playing with words, sharing their brilliance, being seen, heard, and appreciated.

Scroll up to enroll or keep reading for more details!

I would love for you to join us! Let’s venture into realms where our creativity makes us gasp—together, and in the spirit of wild play, supported by a community of fellow explorers.