The A-Z PoemPlay Adventure


Soulful Self-Discovery through 26 Poems

It’s a whole new way to play with your creativity! You’ll receive everything you need to write 26 poems, representing forms for every letter from the alphabet (from Acrostic to Zuihitsu, and lots in between!)

Keep reading for the details!

Price: $199 for Self-Study Program: 26 weekly PoemPlay Packets delivered by email

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The A-Z PoemPlay Adventure

Each week for 26 weeks, you’ll receive a PoemPlay Packet through email … interactive adventures that help you transform everyday language into the poem format for the week.

Each Pack is an evocative adventure into the weeks’ given format, including:

  • the history, cultural background and artistic context for the style

  • step-by-step instructions for creating your own

  • an interactive Poem PlaySheet, designed to help you play through the process of transforming everyday language into the given poetic form

  • example PlaySheets and resulting poems, to get inspired and see the process in action

  • a collection of follow-up reflection questions to help bring your insights back to your own self-discovery

  • Some weeks also include Marney’s personal videos for extra clarification and guidance. Some videos even invite you to “peek over Marney’s shoulder” while she’s writing with the PlaySheets.

  • $199   

Words from PoemPlay Adventurers…

I’ve been taking Marney’s classes for over 15 years, but I think this one may be my favorite. It’s opened up an entire new world of creativity for me.

I never thought I could write one poem, much less be the prolific writer I have become, seemingly out of nowhere!  I didn’t see it coming, but it’s what I’ve experienced in this delightful, profound, accessible, and invigorating experience.

Only Marney could make something like this. To take the stuff of literature MFA programs and turn it into fun puzzles and games. Writing is brand new to me, but poetry has become my new favorite language.

I like to dabble in poetry but I’ve never even heard of 99% of the forms in this program.  And the way you present them is so fascinating and rich. I’m learning about poetry, but also learning about other cultures and types of literature.  This has given me the spring in my step after a hard season, and getting these little packets each week is my amazing treat to myself. 

And Introducing…The A-Z PoemPlay Commercial License

Add the License Pack to the packages, you can use the PoemSignments – including all 26 original PlaySheets and accompanying material – in your own workshops, courses, and programs.  You get full commercial use and never pay commission or fee.  

Use them as-is or change them up to make them your own!

The License Pack includes:

  • The 26 “PoemPlay Packets” that you can use as-is or customize. Artella logo is removed from all material, and you can re-brand with your own logo.

  • Customizable marketing materials, including promotional copy, presentations & graphics

  • A-Z PoemPlay Adventure + Resale License = $998

    You can make back your investment in less than 5 enrollments, based on charging the same price for the series as on the Artella site. The rest is profit to keep.  You get full commercial use and never pay a commission or fee, and the License will most likely never be priced this low again.

Ready to Write Like Never Before?
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