
Miracle Soup: 30 Days to More Miracles!

$29.00 $19.00


Format: 30-day course with ongoing registration. Instructions are available for downloading immediately after order is complete.

Based on the concept that whatever we focus on is what we experience, Miracle Soup provides unique daily exercises (called “Miracle Recipes”) to help you SEE the miracles that are everywhere around you, as a “first step” in claiming your own power to create miracles at will. You even get a workbook of “Miracle Recipe Cards” to help track your progress.

Click the thumbnail below to see a large view of Week 2’s Miracle Recipe Cards!

In addition to the daily Miracle Recipes, weekly “Miracle Menus”, in a downloadable eWorkbook format, provide extra explorations to go above and beyond the week’s material. A downloadable “Miracle Recipe Book” is also provided, to help you track your progress through the lessons and your increasing magnetism to miracles.

The “Recipes” and “Menus” consist of original exercises as well as those that draw upon the work of both ancient and modern-day spiritual masters, with a creative, no-nonsense spin that makes the processes especially accessible to anyone. No spiritual training, background, or even belief is necessary…just come to the course with an open mind and see what can happen!

When your order is complete, please download the file with enrollment instructions, and follow those instructions to begin the course.

This life-changing course guides you through a day-to-day process of noticing, intuiting, and creating miracles in your life.  Aren’t you ready to start your miracles cooking?