Self-Study Program! Creative Cubism


New Video Sneak Peek!

Hear what people shared about their discoveries in Class #1…

Enroll in the Self-Study Program…6 weeks of classes, go at your own pace.


Program: Creative Cubism: ShapeShifting Self-Discovery through Words, Art & Spirit

Quick Summary: Apply playful cubism-esque techniques to writing and art to reveal new shapes and perspectives in your life!  Self-Study delivered via videos of six 90-minute classes, class notes, and follow-up project ideas.

Price: $199

Click the button to order or scroll down for more details!


“Creative Cubism” is now available in a Self Study form!   Enjoy this six-week process where you’ll apply cubist techniques to art, in a very loose, fun, and there-are-no-rules kind of way.  

In “Creative Cubism”, each 90-minute video dives into a different aspect of cubism, using it as a tool to turn on creative discovery in art and writing!  Through engaging exercises and insightful discussions, you will gain a playfully profound understanding of how different angles, dimensions, and fragmented viewpoints can illuminate fresh ideas and novel approaches in both your creativity and your daily life.

You’ll be engaged in regularly creating art and writing – but it’s  And so much more!  You’ll learn techniques for how to embrace your inner artist and writer AND cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you…. merging creativity and self-discovery as you embark upon a personal odyssey of personal awareness and reflection.

No writing or art experience is necessary.  I can’t emphasize this enough!  This is a self-study course class for anyone who can’t draw a straight line (you’ll draw crooked ones!) as well as for trained fine artists who need to shake some things up a bit!  

If you’re looking for something totally new and different, this is it!  Come deconstruct, reconstruct, and kaleidoscopify your art, writing and life!

Ready for this all-new experience?