Open Up Your Umbrella-Vision™


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Finally Uncovering the Connections In Your Talents

Format: Audio Recording of 80-minute Teleclass

One of the most significant events of my life was when I stumbled upon my destiny, as I figured out a way to combine all of my interests and talents under one “umbrella” … Artella! Since then, one of my true passions has been helping other people do the same.
Price: $7.99

If the list of your interests, skills, and talents seems like a mile long, and it looks all-too-impossible to combine them into any one endeavor for work or play, this recording will open new doors…and, well, umbrellas!
In the class, I present several fun, gentle, and extremely illuminating processes to finally make those connections. You’ll come away with a greater sense of YOUR “umbrella”, and a newly-invigorated connection to your true Gifts!
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